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Simplifying Risk Management

Time to say goodbye to spreadsheets and hello to managing your risks straight from Secfix with the fully automated risk register. Designed for companies, small and large, seeking efficiency and reliability in their compliance processes.

Automated end-to-end Risk Management

  • Leverage the power of automation to efficiently conduct risk assessments and pass your audits. Reduce the manual workload and say goodbye to spreadsheets and manual tracking.

  • With Secfix's platform, risks are automatically linked to an extensive set of over 100 pre-mapped controls, allowing you to unlock the power of Secfix’s automated tests.

Intuitive dashboard: All your risks in one place

  • Gain insights at a glance with our intuitive dashboard. It consolidates all risk-related data, offering a clear view of your risk landscape.

  • Efficiently manage, track, and regularly review risks, all from a single, user-friendly interface.

Comprehensive and integrated risk monitoring

  • Our Risk Management tool aligns with ISO 27005 risk assessment guidelines and methodologies, covering the five main stages of risk assessment.
  • This thorough approach ensures compliance with major standards, including ISO 27001, SOC 2, and TISAX.

Efficient task management and automated reminders

  • Create and manage risk treatment tasks with ease. Assign owners, set due dates, and link tasks to your existing ticketing systems, streamlining your risk management workflow.

  • Forget manual tracking! Our system automatically reminds you when it’s time to update or reassess risks, ensuring your risk management stays current and effective.

“I’d recommend Secfix in a heartbeat. Secfix made our journey to ISO 27001 certification seamless and fast. "

DevOps Engineer
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Success Story

“Thanks to Secfix, we were able to get ISO 27001 compliant in 6 weeks instead of months."

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Success Story

“Secfix surpassed my expectations, making ISO 27001 compliance 
a game-changer for MIXMOVE's sales to larger companies.”

VP of Development MIXMOVE
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Success Story

“For small companies tackling ISO 27001 with limited staff, Secfix is an excellent solution. Highly recommended!”

Data Protection Officer
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Success Story

“Secfix enabled us to achieve the ISO 27001 certification swiftly and efficiently, a success we could not have accomplished without them.”

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Success Story

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Frequently asked questions

What is Secfix’s Risk Management tool?

Secfix’s Risk Management tool is a feature inside Secfix designed to simplify and accelerate the compliance process for small and medium-sized businesses. Our tool helps companies manage risk and validate their security measures. It also helps to automate as much as 90% of the workload associated with security and privacy frameworks.

Who is Secfix's Risk Management tool for?

If you're an SMB or Startup looking to meet these standards quickly, our tool is designed to guide you through the process, ensuring compliance in weeks rather than months.

How to conduct Risk Management?

Conducting Risk Management involves identifying potential risks that could affect your business, analyzing how likely and severe they are, and then taking steps to reduce or manage these risks. It's like creating a safety plan for your company to protect it from possible problems.

Does the entire Risk Management process need to be established prior to certification?

Yes, setting up your entire risk management process is crucial before getting ISO 27001 certification. It's one of the most important parts of the Information Security Management System (ISMS), showing that you're serious about protecting your business from risks.

What are best practices of Risk Management for small companies?

For small companies, effective Risk Management involves a few key practices:

Simplify the Process: Keep your Risk Management straightforward, focusing on the most critical risks.

Regular Maintenance: Use automation tools like Secfix Risk Management to regularly update and maintain your risk treatment strategies and tasks. This helps to eliminate manual processes and ensures consistent risk monitoring.

Employee Involvement: Educate your team about Risk Management so everyone is equipped to identify and address risks.

Prioritize Major Risks: Concentrate on risks that could have the most significant impact on your business, ensuring your resources are used effectively.

By combining these practices with smart technology solutions like Secfix, small businesses can manage their risks more efficiently and effectively.

Get your ISO 27001 certification and grow your business faster