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🎉 Free webinar hosted by Deel and Secfix: ISO 27001 for Remote teams • 15.02.2024 • 2PM CET • Get your place

Managing Personnel with Ease

Simplify how you handle employee and contractor compliance with our People Management tool designed to educate and train your team in security best practices. Get peace of mind by gaining full visibility into who’s keeping your organization compliant.

Automate onboarding and offboarding

  • Secfix automatically syncs personnel details from your SSO, HRIS, and other integrations. Get an overview of the compliance status of each employee on our people page.

  • When someone starts or leaves your organization, the status will be automatically updated, ensuring clarity and accuracy during audits.

Track tasks and send reminders

  • Make sure that every team member completes their required tasks, such as downloading the Secfix Agent, policy acceptance, security training, and background checks.
  • Admins can effortlessly monitor task completion and send reminders, all from one place.

Security trainings across multiple standards

  • Secfix Security Awareness Training complies with ISO 27001, SOC 2, GDPR, TISAX, and more. Quickly meet security and privacy compliance requirements and save time assigning, tracking, and reporting on required training.
  • This eliminates the need to repeat tasks when complying with various frameworks.

“I’d recommend Secfix in a heartbeat. Secfix made our journey to ISO 27001 certification seamless and fast. "

DevOps Engineer
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Success Story

“Thanks to Secfix, we were able to get ISO 27001 compliant in 6 weeks instead of months."

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Success Story

“Secfix surpassed my expectations, making ISO 27001 compliance 
a game-changer for MIXMOVE's sales to larger companies.”

VP of Development MIXMOVE
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Success Story

“For small companies tackling ISO 27001 with limited staff, Secfix is an excellent solution. Highly recommended!”

Data Protection Officer
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Success Story

“Secfix enabled us to achieve the ISO 27001 certification swiftly and efficiently, a success we could not have accomplished without them.”

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Success Story

Fast-growing companies that trust us

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Read more about Managing Personnel

Frequently asked questions

What are the key steps to get your employees compliant with ISO 27001?

To get your employees compliant with ISO 27001, focus on educating them about what ISO 27001 is and its importance, conducting security awareness training, implementing clear security policies for them to follow, and continually reviewing and updating these processes to ensure ongoing compliance.

What training do employees need for ISO 27001 compliance?

Employees need training on the basics of ISO 27001, how to handle data securely, what to do in a security incident, how to deal with phishing and social engineering, and your company's specific security policies. This helps them understand their role in keeping company data safe.

My company is all-remote. How do I deal with contractors and remote employees in the context of ISO 27001?

Contractors and remote employees are also included in your ISO 27001 scope since they have access to your company's information and tools. Make sure they understand and follow your security policies, maintain regular communication, limit their access to only necessary information, and include them in your security training programs.

How to deal with employee on- and offboarding according to ISO 27001?

During onboarding, train new employees in ISO 27001 compliance. In offboarding, ensure all company property is returned and revoke their access to company information immediately to maintain security.

Get your ISO 27001 certification and grow your business faster